lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


Glove Two Progress

Amidst much sleeping yesterday afternoon & evening, I completed the ribbing on K's second glove, and also started on the hand. I have about 1/2 of the thumb gussett area finished. The second glove is going much faster than the first. I also switched to metal needles, which helps. I don't feel like they're going to snap in half when I'm using them, so I can knit a bit faster.

I'm looking forward to finishing these and getting them off my conscience. And I will be glad to be done with this yarn. Compared to Opal, Regia and especially Lorna's Laces yarn, it feels rough and scratchy. More like twine than yarn. I'm really hoping that the yarn will "bloom" and soften when I wash the gloves before giving them to K.

J's Parent/Teacher conference went fine. Academically he's doing great, but he is too social. LOL! That doesn't surprise me in the least. She's going to get some work from the upper grade teachers to challenge him more, so he won't get bored.

During the nap fest of yesterday, which wasn't what I intended my afternoon off to be, I woke up at one point with a cat contentedly sleeping on my chest. I'm really glad they don't weigh very much.

10:15 a.m. - February 06, 2003


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