lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


Sleepy Sunday

So, it's Sunday, and I've actually made it to the pc two days in a row. I think (probably not) I'm happy with my layout. But, knowing me, I'll probably fiddle with it some more.

I've done more knitting since the last entry, but no where near the amount I thought I'd get done this weekend. I did a few more points of the edging on the Sheep Shawl, but it seems like it's taking me forever. I also did a few rounds on the alpaca raglan. I've gotten enough stitches to move it to the 29 inch circular. And, I've gotten the body of the sweater for my friend's baby done. Now I need to start the sleeves.

B and I have decided that we're probably going to sell the house soon. We've not been happy with the neighbors, and every time someone sells a house, we're even less happy with the new neighbors. So, we're doing what needs to be done to get the house ready for market, and then we'll start looking again. If nothing else, we'll be happy with the condition of the current house when we're done.

Otherwise, it's been a lazy weekend. The cats and I all had a nice nap while the boys were out in the backyard washing the cars.

6:10 p.m. - March 09, 2003


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