lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


Knitting Weekend

Lots and lots of knitting time this weekend.

I spent most of my time working on L's sweater. I now have about 12 inches done on the body, and probably have another 4 inches to go before I run out of yarn. Right now, the bottom reaches to her waist, but she'd like it as long as possible. Which is why I did the sweater from the top down in the first place. I'm still getting the dye bleeding onto my hands as I work, but not as badly as the first hank of yarn did. I plan to rinse it in a vinegar/water solution after it's finished, to set the dye as much as possible.

I also made a second square for a small afghan we're putting together for a knitting friend in the Army, who has been sent overseas. A group of us are all making a couple of squares, just for something to remind her that we're thinking of her while she's out of the country.

I also started on an exchange gift. I knew what I wanted to make, and I had an idea of which yarn from stash that I wanted to use, but it wasn't until this weekend that I finally sat down and started working on it. I tried the yarn that I originally planned on, but it wasn't coming out very nicely. I'm knitting something that needs to be "drapey", but the yarn I was trying was a linen blend and had a much stiffer hand. So it went back into the stash pile. Then I tried a silky finished cotton thread, but that also came out too stiffly. I finally decided on a thin rayon chenille. It's fine enough for the lacy look I'm after, and soft as well. I washed a small swatch, and it fluffs up nicely after, so I'm pleased. Now to finish it.

I also did a couple more points of the edging on the Sheep Shawl, and a couple of inches on the sleeve of my alpaca raglan. I'm getting distracted by other things again, and keep flitting from one project to another. It's a bad habit that I just can't seem to break.

At least I've been focusing more on L's sweater, though, because I want her to be able to wear it at least once before spring. And unless she puts on 50 pounds before fall, it will fit her again next season, too.

12:50 p.m. - February 24, 2003


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