lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


On-Line Knitting Groups

Ok, so I had this big, long entry typed yesterday, rambling on about how traffic sucks; how my job is good, but tiring; how I was plodding along on L's sweater; and other stuff.

The internet ate it. I went to post it, and it just disappeared. So, I sulked.

I'm done sulking now, but don't have a lot to say. Traffic still sucks; my job is still good but tiring; and I'm still plodding along on the body of L's sweater. My life is dull.

I fell asleep after dinner last night, and woke up again to a cat on my neck. But then when I went to bed, I couldn't get back to sleep. So I knit. I did about an inch on L's sweater.

So, today, rather than talk about how boring my life is, I thought I'd list the knitting-related email groups to which I belong.

I post rarely, but like to skim the lists for new patterns, new yarns and new techniques, or just for enjoyment. Some lists are a lot more chatty than others, but I like having access to them all. There are times when I delete everything unread, and then other days I read every single message. Each list has it's own distinct "personality". There's a use for all of them, in one way or another.

9:35 a.m. - February 21, 2003


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