lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


Stuff and Nonsense

Happy Valentine's Day to anyone who reads this. :) As a child, I hated the day, because Valentine is my maiden name. It came with all sorts of teasing and stupid questions, like "were you born on Valentine's Day?". Now that I'm older and no longer an "official" Valentine, it doesn't bother me so much anymore. :-> Mispronunciation of Valentine, on the other hand (Valentime), drives me batty.

It was another slow knitting day yesterday. I did spend some time finishing the last row of the Sheep Shawl in preparation for the border, and I did several rows on the Polarspun baby sweater.

In my recent listings of favorite knit-related web sites, I forgot to mention Jennifer Tocker's amazing list of bookmarks. It's probably one of the most extensive I've seen. She also has an excellent copyright primer.

I finally finished visiting every site in the Knitting Bloggers ring. I think it took me three or four days to actually make it to every site in the ring on my free time. I love going through and seeing what everyone else is knitting.

Most of my evening yesterday was spent fighting the migraine from hell. I got home from work and tried to take a nap, but found out I needed to pick L up at school, and attend a "Standards of Learning" assembly. So I drag myself down there, and everything is fine - the headache is bad, but not debilitating - until that woman started talking. She had been talking loudly without a microphone, and then someone got the bright idea to hand her one. But she never lowered the volume of her voice!

I did knit some during the presentations, and while waiting, and some of L's schoolmates were intrigued enough to ask about it. By the time we got home (after leaving early), my head was throbbing and my hair hurt. It felt like it took hours just to drive the mile and a half from the school to the house.

I ended up taking the maximum dosage of the heavy duty migraine meds, and then spent quite the loopy evening reading the newspaper and giggling at the "Gutter Helmet" ad until B had the good sense to help me to bed. It's probably a very good thing I didn't try to knit anything.

Unfortunately, it seems the migraine is trying to make a return visit, so knitting tonight is iffy as well.

12:07 p.m. - February 14, 2003


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