lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


I've Gone Sheep Mad

Well, I've been lax in daily updates. But, then, I've been lax in pretty much everything over the weekend.

I didn't work on K's gloves again, and I'm developing quite the case of guilt over them. But not enough to make me actually put down the Sheep Shawl in the evenings to work on them.

On the Sheep Shawl, I've made it to Row 185, the beginning of the actual sheep. That leaves me 25 more rows before the border. I had to undo two rows again last night, because I found another weak spot in the yarn and had to go back and mend it. I'm just enjoying this pattern so much, and can't wait to see the end result that I've ignored everything else to work on it.

I did bring the gloves with me today, to work on at lunch, so hopefully, I can stick with it, and get at least the first one completed.

I received the charcoal Douceur Et Soie (mohair/silk) yarn yesterday, and that will be for the "Kilimanjaro Kat Shawl". I'm going to work on a few of my other ongoing projects before I start that one up, though. I really need to finish J's wallaby before the end of winter, or else I'll need to make a whole new sweater for next year.

We're having a great time getting used to the "Boys", and I think they're getting used to us. We're starting to see their individual personalities, not just the novelty of their appearance. Zelig likes to chase his tail until he makes himself dizzy, and Toulousse likes to talk - a lot. The "Girls" are slowly starting to venture out into the living room when the Boys are free, and so far there have been no major fights. For now, though, no unsupervised time together for the four of them.

11:25 a.m. - February 04, 2003


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