lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


Reverse Trees

Again last night, I worked on the Sheep Shawl. I almost finished with the "Orchard Lace", but discovered I'd added in an extra stitch somewhere. The perils of knitting while watching TV, I guess. I had been counting the stitches on every even-numbered/all-knit row, but I'd stopped about 4 rows back. And by the time I noticed the error, it was getting late and I needed sleep before I tried to find it and fix it.

So, today at lunch, I'll be fiddling with it, and seeing how far back I have to tink to get it right. No big deal, but it's alwasy frustrating to have to go back and fix something. I'm too picky with myself to let it go and ignore it.

While checking my statistics, I've noticed more people happening upon my diary through searches. Some recent Google searches include:

  • knitting pure & simple
  • maxi ringel yarn
  • lisa grey sweater
  • lion brand polar spun yarn
  • lion brand pound of love
  • "a c moore" +va
  • "lisa knits"

It's interesting to see how people get to my. Most of my hits are from the Knitting Bloggers Webring or members in the ring. But a few people are showing up through searches. Call me a geek, but I find stuff like this fascinating.

More non-knitting stuff: We went to see "The Boys" at the vet's last night. We got them out to play for a bit, and had fun watching them leap and explore the waiting room. We brought towels from home to rub them down with, so we could take their scent home to "The Girls", to get them familiarized with it before we get to bring the cats home. Tonight when we go visit, we're going to take things from the Girls for the Boys to smell.

Mewp was totally unconcered about the new smell, and actually napped on one of the towels, but Chevy grumped at us for about 20 minutes. We're not surprised, because she's always been the antisocial one.

The vet has already had several people interested in the other two cats (Milo & Rowan) that are available, so it's nice to know that all four are going to have homes.

11:05 a.m. - January 30, 2003


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