lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


No More Trees

Again, I worked on the Sheep Shawl. I'm determined that this one is not going to take me six months to complete. I found my mistake only two rows back, so I only had to undo the two rows, rather than the three or four I was dreading. I managed to complete the "Orchard Lace", and am up to 277 stitches per row. The pattern increases by 4 stitches every other row. I'll be starting on row 137 when I pick it back up.

I tried to take pictures to post of my progress, but they came out as one grey blob. You couldn't see any of the patterning in the lace, so I scrapped that idea. I think I needed to put it on a white background in better light for the picture.

Today on my lunch hour, I worked on K's glove, and was ready to start the fingers, but forgot the darning needle and extra yarn to hold the hand stitches while I worked the pinky finger. So I had to stop there. I'll probably finish the fingers on the first glove tonight. If I concentrate, I can finish this for her by Monday. Which, of course, will be semi-useless, since the temps are supposed to be in the 50's.

Cat Update

We stopped by the vet's again last night, to visit with the Boys. We also took some things Mewp and Chevy had laid on, to give the boys a chance to get used to their scent. Toulouse is starting to become more talkative with us, and Zelig just wants to explore everything. Dr. K. said he'd have them ready for us to bring home tonight, rather than tomorrow, so I'll post pix of them soon. He also got a few calls for people asking about the other cats, so it's good to know they'll have homes soon as well. Only Rowan (the white one) is still without someone, but Dr. K. will make sure he gets placed.

1:51 p.m. - January 31, 2003


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