lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary



This weekend saw a definite knitting slump. I spent very little time knitting anything, let alone even thinking of knitting. I managed to finish a third finger and start the fourth on B's glove.

I've decided that while it's neat and nifty to know how to make gloves, it's not something particularly enjoyable. It's too tedious and fiddly for my taste. So, this (and the fingerless ones for K) will be the last pair of gloves I knit. It's an accomplishment that I'm glad to have, but it's certainly not my favorite thing to knit. That would probably still be socks, but lace is definitely a fascination right now as well.

The entire time I was working on the glove this weekend (all 45 minutes or so), the desire was to put it down, and work on my shawl. Or cast on for my scarf, or any number of other things that weren't the glove.

On another note, as if all the weird dreams I've been having weren't weird enough, here is today's horoscope:

Cancer Horoscope - Mon Jan. 13, 2003 by

Some rather bizarre dreams could come to you tonight, dear Cancer. The symbols may include people or objects that you would never have thought of consciously in a hundred years. Nonetheless, they do have meaning for you right now. Sit down and make a list of the symbols and events in the dream, then try to analyze what they mean to you. Your dream is trying to tell you something important. Make the most of it.

I think it's time for that notepad by the bed. Last night involved "resetting the pixels" and J trying to put birthday hats on the cats, the daycare bunnies, and a random hamster or two. And those are just the bits I can remember. I woke up with this bizarre feeling of "What the *&#&?"

So, while I didn't get much knitting done, I did get most of the road grime washed off my car, along with everyone else in NoVa; managed to find clothing that both L and I could agree on for her to wear (since when did I turn into such a prude?); and caught a couple of really good naps.

Oh, and listened to Teenage Dance Party by The Uninvited. Company of Losers is my new favorite song.

12:15 p.m. - Monday, Jan. 13, 2003


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