lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary



Well, I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself today. I have finally gotten past the half way point on the lace edging of the PNS. I stayed up later than I should have last night working on it, but I'm glad I did. I can finally see the end of this piece. And it gives me a reason to use the new blocking board and blocking wires, too.

I was working on the alpaca raglan this morning until I got distracted by the computer and spent way too much time playing Hamtaro games at Cartoon Network. We got J the GameBoy game for Christmas, and I think I've played it more than he has. I don't know why such a silly game has me hooked, but it does.

I've become a stats junkie. I signed up with Site Meter to track my visitors, and it's cool to see where the hits are coming from. I get most of my visitors from the Knitting Bloggers webring, but I get a few from here within Diaryland, as well. Site Meter has a cool chart where you can see what time zones people are checking you out from, and it's amazing to see that I've got visitors from the other side of the world.

So, thanks to all those who stop by, and leave a note to tell me what you think.

3:19 p.m. - December 28, 2002


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