lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary



Well, not much done on the knitting front last night. I had to stop at the local Kohl's for a few more Christmas presents, and had planned to pick up two different types of things. Well, that plan was scuttled by J's shoe crisis at the jewelry counter. He was complaining so much about his feet hurting that I finally had to give up and leave. I think we need new shoes again. He's getting little Fred Flintstone feet -- short but wide. So, I'll be making yet another last minute shopping foray this afternoon on my way home, adding shoes to my list.

I've been reminiscing lately. I've been using the internet to learn all I can about knitting since I started, and have found many helpful forums, email lists and websites. But I have a dirty secret. I'm a banned knitter. Yep. I'm a rebel and I've been banned from an internet knitting forum.

Nearly a year ago, I was a participant in a forum on Delphi Forums. It was a friendly place, begun with the purpose of allowing knitters to become friendly and share their lives as well as their knitting. Things were fine until some people said some rather regrettable things about others. I'm sure everyone knows how that goes. So, to give those of us who disagreed with the moderator a place to talk freely, I started a private forum for chatting with friends. I was then told by the moderator of the original forum that this was considered harrassment, and that we were either with the moderator or against the moderator. And then we were all summarily banned from that particular forum. I was told that because I started a separate forum, that we were disrupting the original forum, and that we were delinquents. And since I was the moderator of the new forum, it's my job to control the children. Excuse me? I'm an adult; you're an adult; they're all adults. I control no one.

Now, a year later, the private forum is thriving, we have a great exchange of information and support, and we're all happy. So, I guess my point is, that it takes all kinds of knitters, moderators, and list owners to share the information that's out there, and you have to do some searching to find the right fit for yourself.

11:15 a.m. - December 24, 2002


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