lisa-knits's Diaryland Diary


Catching Up on Sleep

Again, let me say that snow days are wonderful for my knitting. But, I'm sick and tired of the cold. I want warm breezes and sunny skies. I want to be able to wear only one pair of wool socks, rather than feeling the need for layers of them.

The kids had no school again yesterday, so I stayed home to referee between them and the cats. I did more napping than knitting, I think, but I still got some things done.

I ended up ripping and re-starting (several times, to be honest) the sweater for a friend's baby. I'm using the Lion Brand Polarspun, and had originally started the sweater in pieces to be sewn together later. I hate sewing. So I ripped it out and restarted it in the round, much like J's not-Wallaby sweater. Then I measured, and saw that the thing was about 6 sizes too huge. That's what I get for not swatching. I planned on making it larger than the recipient is right now, so that it will fit later, but this was just ridiculous. So, I ripped it out again, and started over. I now have about 2 inches of the body done.

Polarspun is not the easiest thing in the world to rip out, either, but it's not impossible. It just takes good light, and a lot of patience.

I also spent some time straightening out the pile of magazines and catalogs and print-outs that have been accumulating around my chair, as well as tidying up the stray balls, hanks and skeins of yarn for which I have no immediate plans. This led to another sorting of oddballs from my stash that I won't be using, and bagging those up for the daycare.

And finally, I worked on the Sheep Shawl some more. I'm now up to Row 195 out of 210, which is part of the actual "sheep lace" pattern. I have little half-sheep done. This shawl is going so much more quickly than the Pacific Northwest Shawl, and is only fueling my growing lace addiction. I can't wait to finish it, so that I can start on something else lacy.

10:41 a.m. - February 11, 2003


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